About Us
Digital Chip Engineer – Verification
Seeking an experienced verification engineer who has experience using a higher level of abstraction than vanilla Verilog for verification.
Ideal candidate is a senior engineer who is capable of sticking to agreed upon tasks (not signing up for more than is do-able) and executing flawlessly.
Common tasks will include converting specs into behavioral models and improving legacy testbenches by incorporating verification abstractions to improve controllability and ease of test generation. On-site work will be required 40% - 100% of the time.
• 5 or more years of experience
• Clear test plan writing and requirements gathering experience
• SystemVerilog (or SystemC)
• C/C++
• experience with OOP (object-oriented programming)
• scripting
• OVM/UVM verification methodology experience
• previous contract experience
• SystemVerilog assertion usage
• WiFi protocol experience
• Video processing experience
We are always interested in adding resumes to our database. Occasionally a short-notice need is fulfilled by an immediate search through our existing contacts.
Digital Chip Engineer – Verification
(same as above)
Russian-speaking and willing/able to travel between California and Moscow, Russia.